Friday, September 19, 2008

A Threshold CROSSED! you all know.. I do my jumping rope every day. I started with 30 minutes..of course not continuously..I WISH. But I put 30 minutes of music on my I-pod that has a nice steady tempo, and I use that to time how long I've been at it. ..As posted goal is to be able to do 3 minutes..just like boxers round in a heavy weight bout. My song of choice has been "The Zephyr Song" By The Red Hot Chili Peppers" It's almost 4 Minutes long. Well... Usually I could only do about 1 minute and thirty seconds.

But Today... I did jumped roped to the entire 2 minutes and 4 seconds to "Papa's Got A Brand New Bag" By James Brown It nearly killed me, cause my sped was right with the tempo of the music.. But I DID IT!

I feel soooo friggin PROUD. hubby actually said that he could tell I was dropping weight. He noticed it. I couldn't believe it. He's one of those, has to actually get HIT BY THE BUS before he realizes it's there. So this is a big deal . I can actually see the deflation of the "Muffin Top"... theres much more work to go..But I see it. happening.

So I will keep you all posted as to my progress..

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