Okay..I need to kiss my hubby more. Cause I didn't know I looked this bad. Pictures really can bring the need to exercise home. And this certainly does it for me. I'm so embarrassed . I really feel like crying seeing this.
So... Here you have it.
My updates will come every Sunday with pics. I know for a fact I couldn't handle pics everyday.I hope you and I both see progress during this process.
Don't/ stop beating yourself up. There is nothing wrong with how you look now. Do you know how many people wish to be your size? We all have body parts that we want to tweak. Remember we are just improving our health, eating habits and changing our lifestyle. Losing weight/ getting tone comes with territory (lol/smile).
I for one would take that over my current size any day! I'm still working up the nerve to post some pics. Well I actually had some up before I posted the lnk to my blog on Nappturality. When I realized people, other than myself , may actually see them I took them down with the quickness. lol That's something that I will definitely have to work up too. Anyway, You look great and I'm sure we will all be seeing some great progress in the months to come! Keep up the good work!
Silly lady! First of all the camera adds a few pounds we all know that. Focus on the beauty of your body. You see fat I see curves and well toned thights (I would kill for those), strong upperarms and a booty that is right were it is supposed to be it isn't sagging I want one of those ok in all honesty I want booty PERIOD LOL
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