I wanted to make this post for my own sanity I guess. I was sitting at home watching AMC. You know, old classic movies. And I was struck by the way the women in the movies looked. And I thought about how, the women who were the "Icons" of beauty & Sex..well truthfully couldn't probably get hired in today's industry. And would all be seen as "Fat" in today's world.
I mean take silent screen star Theda Bara here in her role as "Cleopatra"-In the black and white you see...Her trademark was she often played the role of a sexy, foul temptress whose beauty and dangerous allure led good-hearted men to their doom. Who do you think would be cast in this light and role today. Certainly not her. She's wouldn't even probably play the mother of such a character
Or take Mae West.. We all know that part of her appeal was her overt sexuality ..but men loved her body.true..she was more of the type of woman that men wanted to "tame". But none the less..she still was a woman with a voluptuous figure.
The same as Jean Harlow hear sitting in the swimsuit. She was a sex symbol of her time. It makes me wonder..I know essentially that it's someone's "JOB" to "SELL" to me and the rest of the public that "THIS" is the standard of beauty that "ALL" women should strive for..And I know that it's also the male dominated world's way of "oppression" by constantly making us not feel good about ourselves. But I was struck by the extreme dichotomy of then and the evolution to now.
And then you have the still sexy to this day Sophia Loren..a true Italian beauty. I mean boobies, hips , and a round bottom. She is still gorgeous today, and she's 73 year old.
For black women..there was Dorothy Dandridge. Not completely voluptuous..but her lean figure was quite hippy and feminine
Then of course you have Marilyn Monroe. Now isn't it ironic..this woman..who "Hollywood" still considers THE ICON OF SEX & BEAUTY. would probably never get her foot in the door. Now don't get me wrong...I know that part of her appeal..especially to men..is the IDEA of such a physically beautiful, and wanton sexual woman, who is very well known to be so desperate for a man or ANYONE to love her, that she often didn't care what pain they would put her through..as long as she was loved in the end. I mean most men are chauvinist deep down... So I understand that part. But I'm talking about the whole physical ideal. Her curvy hips , and wider round butt would be a liability today...Why the mixed signals?
Where it all seemed to change was when Twiggy, and the 60's mod look came along. No longer was your natural curves something to relish and love. Nope..basically..looking as pre pubescent was what the "Industry" wanted to "sell"...and it has somewhat spiraled from there... I mean from that point and on..you got women like Kate Moss completely everywhere.
Sure you got sprinkles of a more "normal" idea of thin with ladies like Cindy Crawford, and Tyra Banks...especially since showing your belly became the fashion, and required a trim look to pull it off. But they still had hips and luscious bodies that told the story of women who watched what they ate, exercised..but you could tell they didn't endanger their health and well being with starvation, anorexia , and cocaine.
And then recently you had women on the runways who literally were walking skeltons...
WHY..I mean you have Ana Reston, the Brazillian model who recently died of anorexia . This child was only 21. I mean..I find it sad that this young girl , who wanted so much to keep sending money home to her family killed herself doing it. And all because some designers want all women to look like coat hangers.
I also find it sad that actresses like Kate Winslet and Samantha Morton don't get as many roles..despite having more talent than a lot of the actresses out there..simply because they refuse to go on starvation diets to further their careers..only to possibly shorten their life spans. I admire that they refuse to do so.. I mean principles obviously mean something to them And they are willing to make those sacrifices..I dig that.
Now I'll go there about these three others.. Mariah Carey...Jennifer Lopez and Beyonce'. They all get on my nerves as celebrities. They are everywhere..and it's annoying.. But I must admit I do love that they are challenging the standards. I love that they are living up to the status quo of "Celebrity" but still have a natural realness to their physique. The curves are their..but the tightness and tone is their without the starved look. I love that Beyonce is the face of Armani. Don't get me wrong..I KNOW that he is simply "cashing in " on her popularity and using her to sell his stuff..But even he said he picked her, cause she looks like what women should look like.
But having said that ..and having posted all of these pics.. I wonder..WHY?..Why do we take our cues from here. I am usually the type of person who could careless what people think of me. But at the same time ..I am vain..and I want people to see me as beautiful. Not just inside..I know that is awful.. But who wants to NOT be thought of as "beautiful"?.. I know we are all victims of it. But I guess in the end ..I want us all to be not only pleasing to ourselves..but healthy and fit for anything that comes our way. You all know..my fitness inspiration is Maggie Diubaldo.. This was the first pic I ever saw of her. And I thought..there's MY ideal.
And then I'm still annoyed..cause I'm still letting the media, and another person's ideal of beauty define mine...
1 comment:
Ok I have a challenge for you. First, step away from the pictures and stop comparing yourself to those you desire to have a body like. Second, I want you to find a picture of you that you absolute love,admire and you knew your body was slamming. It can be a picture from last year, two years,3 years ago,or way back in the day which ever one you like. Third, Once you find that picture put it somewhere you see it everyday. This is how your body going to look after all of the hard work.
Always remember everyone body frame/ build is different. We will never ever really look like them. Take for instance I love Toy legs and butt. However,no matter how many squats and leg press I do my body frame will not look like that. It will be smiliar but not the same.
Although I've never met you and just now seeing pictures of you, I see a beautiful person. I can tell from what you write, I can tell from the changes you are making in your life. It takes a beautiful person to reflect on what they need to change about themselves and change. Your beauty you have inside will reflect your outside. For those who don't see it on the outside is not worth wasting time with.
We got this and we will accept the challenge and will not be defeated!!!!!! Contiune to SOAR!
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