Hey Fellow Fitness Bloggers.
Okay..so why is now that I am in bed by 8pm..usually asleep by 9:30pm if not earlier...why is it that I CAN'T get up to work out. I thought getting adequate sleep would help me and improve my morning workout. I don't understand. I'm gonna try to change this...It's just weird to me..I have always said that I am a person who can function on 5 hours sleep. And I worked out more when this was my sleep pattern. But I wonder if sleeping more is making my middle of the day Curves work out more EFFICIENT !
Okay everyone.. Pick Up your latest issue of Oxygen Magazine .. It's got some great fitness tips..and my fitness inspiration Maggie Diubaldo is on the cover. Her abs are FABULOUS. I think I'll sit this next to my alarm clock. Maybe I will get up then.
Also..tomorrow is "Report Card" day for me at "Curves" I get weighed and measured. So wish me luck in my progress.Hope it's not all in my head.
Fitness Tip Of The Day~ Okay if it is comfortable..sleep in your workout gear. I know many can't. But I find that If I have my stuff on, I find it easier to just slip on my shoes and just get right to it. If that's not comfortable, Have all your workout clothes in the room you are working out in. This way, there's no.."Where's my socks"..or "I can't find my sports bra" kinda thing.The one thing that makes for success is PLANNING AHEAD!
Good luck on report card day :) That magazine looks like a good one; I'll have to check it out.
So how was the "report card" are you going to share it with us ;-)
Good luck on your report card. I'm sure you'll do great. Oxygen
magazine is one of my favorite.
Fitness tip: Don't keep your alarm clock next to your bed. Have it in a place(across the room) where you have to get out of bed to turn it off.
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