I don't have a lot to add on this dreary Sunday... It's raining...which normally I love. But the bummer is going to be tomorrow morning, when the wet snow turns to ice, and all the streets and freeways we drive on turn into ice skating rinks during the morning commute to work.
But what can you do? That's life.
So I'm up... I made myself some delicious juice.. I tried a new combo today.. Carrot, apple, orange and blueberries. It was wonderful. My juicer s giving me all kinds of combos that I find appealing to taste. I'll never buy store bought juice ever again. My hubby is also in love with the juicer and juicing. It's just part of our life at this moment. What's ironic is ...Produce use to go to waste in our fridge. It would sit and rot. And your talking about two people who are always exercising or trying to eat healthy in one form or another...and we knew we didn't eat enough fruits and veggies. But I would always buy some , in an effort to eat better and have healthy things in the house. Now....we go through ALL of it. We juice EVERYTHING..
From broccoli
Another thing I found.. I am seeing less breakouts on my skin. I never really had bad skin , or was prone to acne. But I had been plagued with a certain side of my face getting bumps. I feared the onset of adult acne, cause I always had pretty clear skin most of my life. But I do believe that with using the juicer , all the healthy vitamins are actually reaching my bloodstream and helping as well.
I don't know..maybe that's just what I want to believe . But anyway I am posting two more recipes to anyone who is interested in them.
Have a great Sunday my fellow bloggers..I'm off to workout, clean, read, and watch my Netflix..I have a full day ahead of me.
I don't have a juicer, so I haven't been using your yummy-looking recipes. But I'm glad you're enjoying them and I hope you had an awesome Sunday!
Very cool you like your juicer. I don't have one, but you are making me want one!
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