First..because...I normally post on health and working out..I wanted to let you all know to look out for the latest issue of Oxygen Magazine.. I think it is a particularly good issue. But Ilove Oxygen all I'm a little biased.
Now...also..because politics is invading our lives on a day to day basis..I thought I'd tell you why I decided to support Barack Obama.
I was straddling the fence at first. I was all for Hillary at first. Let's face it..When "Big Slick Willy" was in office, people always use to say "You know that Hillary is really running the show"...I was fine with that . I like the idea
that we had a man in office who had a strong woman who could stand up to the scrutiny. I was also annoyed about how Republicans tried to flip the script and say that "If Hillary gets in , you know Bill is gonna be running the show"..and I thought ..COME can't have it both ways.
And the regards to Obama ...he intrigued me. But what was odd for me...was the fact that what I DIDN'T like about OBAMA was EXACTLY what I DID LIKE about Obama. The whole idea that he hadn't been in Washington and politics long enough . That's suppose to mean that if he gets in the White House, he'll be completely at a loss of what to do. But for signaled that maybe not being in the Washington cesspool meant he was a little less contaminated than the rest.
Where did I decide between the two?.. I was exceptionally annoyed with Hillary with the way she pandered to the black community..I find her attitude and delivery very condescending and patronizing . I think she felt cause Bill was dubbed the "First Black President", that she felt the black community "OWED" her their votes. She didn't seem to feel that she should have to fight for my vote like any other candidate.
Now..I'm 36...Born in 1971. I have been a bit of a history buff , mostly bordering on how it all shapes society. I remember being a kid and hearing about JFK. Most of the people I grew up with, my parents and grandparents and great -grandparents who loved him. Both sets of my grand and great grandparents had pictures of him hanging in their homes. I didn't get it at the age of 5 why their was always a picture of MLK and JFK in every house of my older relatives. But of course as I got older, learned more..I understood. I understood the historic significance of what these two men meant , not just too the black community..but to American society, and to history.
And to be honest..I get that feeling about Barack Obama. Never in all the time of my being able to vote have I ever felt that I would ever feel what my grand and great grand parents felt when they saw a potential leader. Someone who truly gives me the feeling that with their efforts and mine , tomorrow may actually be a better day. Voting has always felt like choosing the lesser of two evils, or "Who will do the LEAST amount of damage" to the country and the world. I don't feel that way with the idea of voting for Obama.
Now's simple to me. Hillary voted for the war..which I am against. Obama voted against it. Now I would like to give Hillary the benefit of the doubt in regards to the whole "We were mislead into this war..and If we knew then , what we knew now" spiel.... But ask yourself this.... Hillary's WHOLE campaign as to why she is the better candidate is her touting her "EXPERIENCE" over Obama...If that was come I knew..and YOU KNEW...and yo MAMA, and you grandmama...and most of the strangers you could ask in the street KNEW that the war was bogus from the beginning??? Where was her experience THEN? How come the inexperienced one (Meaning Barack) saw through the B.S. ..and knew it was bogus? So much for her "EXPERIENCE".
Now don't get me an African - American..I would be lying if I said that being able to vote for a black candidate would not be a proud moment for me. I'd feel the same if I was voting for a woman as well. If Barack wins the nomination , I will exude a pride that I have never felt before. If he wins the presidency , it will be a watershed moment in society that I will have been so happy to see. I see it now. I mean.. it's not just the idea of a "Black Man as President"'s the idea that we may be closer to Dr. King's dream. You have someone truly being judged for his character. I mean now don't get wrong, I know there are some people who will never vote for a black man, or a woman cause of there own prejudices and bigotry...but those numbers are obviously getting smaller. I mean.. Barack won IOWA.. probably the WHITEST state in the country... When you see him..mostly you see a sea of white faces. You DON'T have all black people automatically voting for Barack cause he's black, or for that matter all the women voting for Hillary cause she's a woman. A large segment of voters are truly voting for the person..not the race or the gender. Closer to the "Dream" of an equal society.
I hope to grow to be an old woman who will have a picture of Barack Obama over my mantle. I hope to get to explain to a lot of young people the historic significance of this man..not only as a president who broke the racial barrier in the politics of the U. S....but as a signal of how far our society has come.
1 comment:
I second that!! I'll be voting for Obama too. I think it's so interesting how evil politics can be. As we get closer to the primaries, Hill's camp is throwing out every dirty deed Obama's ever done. It's quite sickening, really.
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