And Yes... I have been sli

pping here and there. I have had sickness, and leg injuries to deal with. Not to mention a ton of school work. I have ate food that I have had ABSOLUTELY NO BUSINESS eating. It has been a roller coaster .. But as you all know, I don't give up . So Let me update you on my minimal progress.
I am slowly but surely becoming a "Runner".. no not a sprinting supersonic Usain Bolt runner. But I have been able to run non stop for longer distances. I can now run a mile without stopping for breaks in between. . That seemed like something impossible to me ..but I am finally at that milestone. I am now running a mile and then walking a mile every other day. I am trying to build that run up to twomiles. So We will see where that goes.
I have not regained any weight. I can still fit my size 8 pants. I just have to up the ante on making the 8's too big. They are not difficult to get into either.
As you all know.. Our Fabulously Fit First Lady Michelle Obama has many of us trying to get those perfectly defined arms..and I am no exception, as I have always wanted fabulous arms..but the pressure is on more now that there is an awesome example to live up to.They are perfect. They aren't to skinny, they are perfectly defined m as they show her muscle tone without her losing any element of her female physique. They are just fabulous. Admittedly , I don't have bad arms..They aren't anywhere near the first ladies fabulous arms, and they need some work. But I have always been self concious and very happy that I could wave to someone from afar, and not have to worry about possibly taking flight from the momentous flap wave coming from the tricep.
Also..I made up for not being around by posting my regular scas of "Health", "Clean Eating" & of course my favorite "OXYGEN" magazines.. If you can't find them in your stores , just make sure you visit the websites , or subscribe to them.
So that's it for now. No I am not posting pics..because admittedly I have NOT been on my ab work and I have lost some of the definition that I had gained, and I am embarrassed to aknowledge that in and of itself..But I won't furthermy humiliation by actually posting pics of it. It makes me want to cry.
But instead of crying and whining..I'm getting off the pc and I'm off to work out.. Abs arms and cardio today.
Much love and keep up your great efforts.