Hey fellow bloggers....
Yeah..I've been M.I.A. in regards to my updates. But I haven't stopped in my efforts. As you all know..I lost my job back in April..and well..I have been unemployed ever since. So I decided to enroll back in school to pursue my degree. My hubby is supportive and encouraging. Plus in makes mbasic common since. My generation was one of the last to possibly be able to walk out of High School and get a job without a degree. But if you find yourself unemployed now..They won't even look at you.. Plus..I figured..with the way the world is now..I may never be able to retire

As far as my workouts go. I'm still doing that. I've upped my jumping rope. I stay out side for an hour now. Many many songs on my I-POD on shuffle..so I never know how fast or how moderate the next song on my "Jump Rope " playlist will be. So it doesn't get too routine. Still using my DVDs ..P90X..Turbo Jam..and Slim N 6 randomly... and hitting the exercise bike as well.
Now although my clothes are fitting looser.. and I am seeing some results.. I am still not where I want to be. So .. What am I missing.. I figured.. A FOOD DIARY... I monitor what I eat.. No processed food. No whites like potatoes, white rice. What I'm not monitoring..IS HOW MUCH I eat. So starting today.. I'm going to make more of an effort to actually list and write down what is actually going into my mouth.

I'm still reading my OXYGEN..trying to stay inspired. Also reading and trying the recipes in "Clean Eating"... And getting general information from "Health"..which Is another magazine I think is great. Taking my low dose aspirin and fish oil pills...as heart disease runs in my family..and still drinking all kinds of Cranberry juice like it's going out of style.. As Kidney disease runs in it as well.
Since I have been so neglectful in my postings.. I thought I'd post the catcch up covers of the mags I read..to remind you to pick them up.

Well..I'll be back later to post my workout and my food intake..So I hope you all are having a great Sunday.
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