Well..I've been down a little. I have had a chest cold for about two weeks. I am finally feeing better. I worked out fully today. And I felt so good for it. I think I need to buy a humidifier for next year. I tend to cough more in the evening when the air is very dry and hot in my room. But when I get up in the morning... Workout outside, go to work...I can breath, and the cough is limited. I have felt fine physically..just a nagging cough. But I have a full physical in May. So anything that may be wrong will be checked out thoroughly .
I have had some distress though. My father is having some major medical problems. Congestive Heart Failure, and he is need of a kidney transplant . I have offered over and over..but he refuses to accept. You see, kidney disease runs in my family ..and my father is worried me and my sister will need our kidney's as we get older. Right now he is on dialysis. I am having such a hard time with this.... You see...My Daddy...all my life has been a bit of a street hustler . He did any and everything he could to take care of me and my sister.. I lived very well as a child, and wanted for nothing all while I was growing up. My Dad has not only lived a Street hustler's life..But I have been present both times my father has been shot...and once stabbed. So just as anyone who can't fathom living without their parents, these things have added to my child like ideal of my Dad's "invincibility". I am having a very hard time dealing with this. I try to listen to my dad who's only response to my offer of a kidney is ... "I have lived good, I have done everything I have wanted. I didn't expect I'd ever get this old (61) with the life I have lead.. So you are not losing ANY organs for me." I must admit.. I'll be 37 this year..and with everything I have witnessed, and seen..I am MORE than lucky to still have both my parents and 1 grandparent. But this whole situation is harder on me than I expected. To top it off..I am a TOTAL DADDY'S GIRL.. Ohhh I'm babbling. I guess I just need to get that out.
Anyway... the whole kidney disease issue has made me rethink my attitude about buying store brought juice. As I said..Kidney disease runs in my family. My father's father died on Dialysis. My father's mother ..her mother died of a kidney disease..and my older sister had a baby who died of "Potter's syndrome " shortly after it was born. Essentially the baby's kidney's stopped functioning in the womb to the point that there was no amniotic fluid. I realized that in all the years I neglected and outright refused to drink water cause I thought it tasted gross...
Anyway.. I hope all of your workouts are getting you where you want to be . And don't forget to pick up your latest issue of OXYGEN MAGAZINE
Prayers for your family at this time. I trust that God will work miraculously and your Dad will find a donor on time.
Girl don't worry about babbling; just get it all out.
excatly what neo.soul said.
ditto... My thoughts are with you.
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