Monday, November 26, 2007

Up & At Em!!! is now 6:10am..and I have already worked out. I am now getting ready for work. I did too many I feel it in my knees. I need to take my glucosamine and chondrotin. I think I'm gonna try a leg work out I saw in Oxygen for people with knees like mine. I won't hurt myself..but I'm not letting it deter me either. I feel good after my workout this morning. I hope to keep up my energy and pace cause I have a long day ahead of me.

Fitness tip of the day:Gladware your fridge. Try pre-packaging your snacks and meals. Keep fruits and veggies, cut to sizes and at the ready for snacking. Or even use the glad ware to pre create a meal plan.


Anonymous said...


I liked your tip about making your meal plans and storing it in the fridge for later. I'm so lazy when it comes to dinner if I've been busy all day, I go off my meal plan if it takes a while to cook. I will be trying your tip out.

I'm also glad to see you're determined to not let a change in work affect your fitness. I was in a similar situation earlier this year where I got a new job and suddenly stopped working out; although if I'd had properly taken the time to figure things out I could have continued being active.

Hope you don't mind but I'm going to add you to my blog list :)

Reflection said...

Lamomica congrats on getting up at 6a.m. and doing your work out. I wish you much success with balancing out your workout routine and job. Great tips on th emeal plan. I'm also stopping by to say Thank you.....

Thank you for inspiring me to get started on my weight loss and healthier lifestyle journey. Thank you for holding me accountable by stopping by to check in and reading my blog. I appreciate all of the support you showed when I slacked off. Thank you, for leaving encouraging words on the small exercises that I did do. Thank you for motivating me to keep going because, by reading your blog you showed me everyone struggle with starting, stopping, restarting and stopping again. All that count is we start up again.

Thank you for all the congratulation you left when I achieve a certain mile. Thank you for wishing me success and pushing me to challenging myself to do better. Thank you for sharing your ideas, allowing me into your personal space, and reading your inner most thoughts. Thank you for sharing different websites, recipes, ideas and books. With all of this, I wanted to celebrate and share with you that holding me accountable, showing support and leaving encouraging words, keeping a log of my journey led me to my success of CONQUERING THE AIRFIELD!!! Yes I reached a mile stone today. I conquered the Airfield. I ran 5 miles without stopping. Thank you for helping me achieved this goal. The things that you all have done might seems small to you but made a big deal and impact to me. You rock!!!

sweetnes said...

I'm glad to see you are still doing the d*mn thing! Way to go.

Peace.Vrede.Paz said...


In yogaclass the yogi teaches that you should loose the knees after doing any movement that is "unnatural" the way to do it is make claws from your hands and grab the knees moving them in circles both ways. It really works for me in the morning when my joints feel stiff. Love the fitness tip try cooking a lit more at night and freeze a meal so on days your tired you have healthy tv dinner.

Season blessings for you and yours,
