Monday, October 8, 2007

Just Wanted To Type Something

well..I'm normally at work around this time. But I am taking my vacation week this week. I had an interview for a promotion..actually , it was my follow- up second interview to the first one. I am feeling really confidant about my chances. I got up this morning..and I did Turbo Jam cardio Party. I wanted a fun, but intense work out to get my endorphins up for the interview..and I walked out of the house feeling GOOD! I think it showed in my interview.

Tomorrows my birthday..I'll be 36. Amazing. It's hard for me to fathom that I'm getting closer to 40. But I feel so good..I don't feel "OLD"... I feel like there is so much for me to do, and accomplish. And Hopefully..getting this promotion will be the start of it all..

Ohh Well..I have a doc's appt with my dermatologist at 2 pm..So I'm gonna play on the pc a little while.


1 comment:

Dez said...

I saw your blog listed in your sig over on NP. I so need encouragement to get back in the swing of things. I finished P90X in April of this year, but fell into a hole of un-healthy habits.

My "Supposed to be getting back in shape" blog is