Monday, September 29, 2008



I jumped roped the ENTIRE song Photobucket....NON STOP of "The Zephyr Song" By The Red Hot Chili Peppers.....Photobucket

So I just wanted to pop in and tell you that I got that accomplished...Photobucket

Friday, September 19, 2008

A Threshold CROSSED! you all know.. I do my jumping rope every day. I started with 30 minutes..of course not continuously..I WISH. But I put 30 minutes of music on my I-pod that has a nice steady tempo, and I use that to time how long I've been at it. ..As posted goal is to be able to do 3 minutes..just like boxers round in a heavy weight bout. My song of choice has been "The Zephyr Song" By The Red Hot Chili Peppers" It's almost 4 Minutes long. Well... Usually I could only do about 1 minute and thirty seconds.

But Today... I did jumped roped to the entire 2 minutes and 4 seconds to "Papa's Got A Brand New Bag" By James Brown It nearly killed me, cause my sped was right with the tempo of the music.. But I DID IT!

I feel soooo friggin PROUD. hubby actually said that he could tell I was dropping weight. He noticed it. I couldn't believe it. He's one of those, has to actually get HIT BY THE BUS before he realizes it's there. So this is a big deal . I can actually see the deflation of the "Muffin Top"... theres much more work to go..But I see it. happening.

So I will keep you all posted as to my progress..

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hey ....Worried Here

Hey Bloggers.

Well..I've been doing pretty good in regards to my eating and exercising. Even with my leg pain. But now my leg pain is starting to worry me. I keep reading about P. A. D.
And I can't help but be worried. My only issue is that in recently losing my job, I have no insurance. And I don't have the financial means to pay for an exam. I plan on applying for state and federal help..strictly for the medicaid. But that will take time.

Ohh well..I'll figure it out.

But I want you all to know that I already got my newest issue of OXYGEN magazine. So make sure you look for it.

Also ... I hope you all are taking advantage , and drinking your fresh juices & smoothies.

Here are a few recipes for all of you to try. I made one of my own creation that is just awesome.

I used 3 green apples, two slices of pineapple, a bunch of green gapes, seedless of course, one peair, a handful of baby spinach, and two stalks of celery. It taste awesome.

But try these.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Back For More

Hey Fitness Bloggers.

It's been a bit. But I have been doing well. I am working out. My jump roping is getting better. I still can't go the ENTIRE three minutes of "The Zephyr Song" just yet. But I can do 2 minutes, and my coordination and footwork is getting quite good I must say.

My eating habits are good. No garbage. Only thing is I like my Ocean Spray Cranberry juices. They have sugar, but I am very paranoid about getting my cranberry juice , because kidney disease runs in the family. Of course I know they sell it 100%pure without sugar, but that stuff is quite "BLECH".

I got some encouragement , when I put on a pair of pants that were so tight that I didn't wear them. I put them on the other day, and they zipped, and buttoned right up without a struggle. They even had they nerve to have a little give in them. It was a great reminder that I was achieving something, and that it wasn't going to happen over night. But with steady work and good eating habits..It will happen.

Okay..this is TMI..but... I will be doing my best to get a workout in , inspite of my cycle really hitting me today. I'm not feeling crampy at all right now. I'll have to wait and see if it hits me later. But I'm trying not to let that excuse come into play. I want to be able to fight through that and get my burn on.

Also.. Be on the look out for the latest issue of not only OXYGEN but alo the latest CLEAN EATING .